Adult Ministries
Our church has many areas where you can plug in, have great Christian fellowship and study God's Word in greater depth.
We care about our church family! There are times when those in our church family are in need of a little extra support during hospital stays or other life events. Click the link below to sign-up to help.
Ladies Bible study
Women meet to study God’s Word at the home of Babie Hatfield-Gowdy on Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. Prayer begins at 9:30 AM. The Ladies Bible Study has a long tradition of study, prayer and mentorship. The Bible study is open to women of all ages and backgrounds.
Current Study:
Where do we go from Here? by Dr. David Jeremiah
(10 Lesson Book Study)
Book cost is $10.
See Janis Shull for details.
Sunday EVening Bible Study
The current Wednesday evening in-depth Bible study is on Genesis Chapters 1-11. All adults are welcome to attend at 7:00 PM weekly.
Men’s Prayer
Held on Thursday mornings at
7:00 AM
All men are welcome.