Church Leadership
Pastor: Dr. Lamar Austin & wife Becky
Associate Pastor: Barry Godwin & wife Pam
The duties of the Elders shall be to equip all believers in the assembly for proper function so that the whole flock may be built up toward Christ-likeness and unity (Eph. 4:11-16).
They shall shepherd and manage the people by:
Meeting their spiritual needs
Making them feel secure and restful
Caring for their spiritual thirst
Building them up when they fail and are discouraged
Leading them into the will of God
Staying beside them in times of difficulty and danger
Lovingly disciplining them when they go astray
Providing spiritual food
Providing healing for their hurts and wounds
Larry Johnson
Randy Moncebaiz
The Elders shall be assisted by Deacons in the specific ministries of the church. These positions of service in the body are designed to relieve Elders from any duties that would interfere with their primary involvement in the Word and prayer. Every Deacon is to be involved in conducting a specific area of service in the church, under the direction of the Lord and the supervision of the Elders.
Lon Sessler - Deacon of Missions
Peter Johnson - Deacon of Awana
Alex Contreras - Deacon of Children’s Ministry
Other Staff
Karen Moncebaiz - Treasurer
Candace Riner - Secretary
Intern: Clement J. Smith
Nursery Director / Custodian: Holly Cassell